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Puya raimondii Harms
Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 10: 213 1928.

Puya raimondii Photo by: Guillermo Rivera


See all synonyms of Puya raimondii

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Queen of the Andes, Queen of the Puna Spanish, Puya de Raimondi
CANTONESE (粵語): 普雅花
CHINESE (中文): 萵氏普亞鳳梨
CZECH (Čeština): Puja Raimondova
ESTONIAN (Eesti): Raimondi puia
FINNISH (Suomi): Puija
ITALIAN (Italiano): regina delle ande
JAPANESE (日本語): プヤ・ライモンディ
POLISH ( Polski): Puja Raimondiego
PORTUGUESE (Português): Titanca, Puia
QUECHUA (Runasimi / Qhichwa simi): Puya, Kara, Tikatika, Santun, Qishqi, Puwa, T'ikanka, Chukiqayara, Titanka
RUSSIAN (Русский): Пуйя Раймонди
SPANISH (Español): Puya de Raimondi, puya titanca
UKRAINIAN (Українська): Пуйя Раймонда

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